P-Patch Garden Rentals
We have 76 rental plots in the garden currently and we sometimes have a short waiting list. Our rental plots are generally about 100 square feet in size (most are 8 feet by 15 feet) and we also have some raised beds that are wheelchair accessible. Our gardening season starts on April 1st and a year's rental costs $25 plus 10 hours per plot of volunteer time in the garden, outside of your plot ($26, if paying electronically). A garden orientation is required for all gardeners every year, in the spring, at which gardeners receive instructions, updates, and the code for the storage shed and tools. Returning gardeners who wish to renew their rental have priority, if they have completed their annual volunteer hours. We allow only one plot per person and an English speaking contact person is required. You can contact us with the form below to let us know that you are interested and we can tell you about availability.
REVIEW P-PATCH RULES on the application for your reference, please read them carefully
CONTACT US using the form on this page or send an email to info@sharkgarden.org to discuss availability, schedule a garden orientation, &/or ask any questions about the p-patch
FILL OUT P-PATCH GARDEN APPLICATION after discussion with our team and bring to your scheduled garden orientation
WAIT FOR APPROVAL of your application
BRING PAYMENT and signed application to your garden orientation if approved. One application is required per plot.
Please DO NOT bring the application or payment to the school office, they are not involved with the garden p-patch.
For questions or to schedule an orientation, fill out the form on this page.
Please note that we will respond to your inquiry as soon as we can. We are a volunteer run organization and your patience is appreciated. Thanks!
Check Availability