Events + Classes
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Each season we partner with local experts, chefs, and nonprofits to offer free gardening, cooking, art, and environmental science classes to the public. The classes are held in the garden and registration is usually required for each one. The links to register are made available a week or so before each class begins. You can join our mailing list to get a one-day head start on registration, since they often fill up very quickly. The classes are free, but donations are greatly appreciated!
Sponsor or Teach a Class
Our guest instructors are funded by grants and donations from the community. If you would like to sponsor a class or teach one, let us know! We are interested in topics around organic gardening, cooking, nature, art, and renewable energy.
Interested in teaching a class? Send us an email at info@sharkgarden.org.

Spring Open House & Plant Sale
Our annual Spring Open House is when we have a little fundraiser plant & jellies sale and welcome our partners to come and set up tables to talk about their work and services. This year, the Department of Ecology will also be offering free instant soil tests during the event. The plant sale will include spring vegetables like: Beets, Bok Choy & Asian Greens, Kales, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Onions, Peas, Perennial Veggies, Spinach, and Swiss Chard. (Warmer weather crops will be at our second sale on May 31st. ) Our friends from Wanderlust Nursery will also be selling interesting edible plants at both events.
Free Class:Incredible Edibles with Marni Sorin
Incredible Edibles: Grow Your Own!
Growing your own food is fun and delicious! It can be a great way to connect with nature and enjoy healthy, organic produce that is good for you and the environment. In this class, we’ll go over the basics of organic vegetable gardening and share tips for how to get an abundant harvest while also conserving water. Our instructor is Marni Sorin from Seattle Tilth Alliance. The link to register will appear here in April.
Free Class: Grow Your Own Mushrooms
Interested in growing your own mushrooms? Jake Harris from Stone Soup Gardens returns to teach this popular class about foraging and growing mushrooms. Emphasis is on growing your own with several methods in this spring class. We’ll look at Wine Caps, Oysters, and probably Turkey Tail Mushrooms especially. The link to register will appear here in April.
Free Class: Small Space Food Gardening/ Container Gardening
Small Space Food Gardening
Grow your own healthy, organic food in small spaces suited to your landscape. Container gardening is great for beginners, apartment dwellers, and anyone looking to add extra space or variety to their garden. You will learn how to grow herbs, small fruits, and summer veggies. This class also reviews how to choose the right container, where to put it, soil preparation, and maintenance. Our instructor is from Seattle Tilth Alliance. The link to register will appear here in late April.
Free Class: Foraging & Cooking with Weeds
Did you know that a lot of the “weeds” in your garden are edible and even tasty? Instructor Cheryl Wheeler will teach us all about them an you’ll get to taste a few recipes too! Cheryl is an expert forager who works at the University of Washington as their Director of International Specialized Programs and also helps UW students in urban agriculture programs like the UW Farm. The link to register will appear here in early May.
Free Class: Grow Your Own First Aid Garden
Did you know that you can grow your own herbal medicines? Nicole Telkes runs the medicinal plants garden at Bastyr University and she’s returning to talk about the plants we have in our new First Aid Garden. We’ll be covering around 10 -12 plants as time allows. The link to register will appear here in early May.
Burien Garden Tour
This year, we will be a stop on the new Burien Garden Tour! If you have tickets to the tour, we will be one of the stops on the tour. If you just want to come by to visit us this day, we will also have our summer plant sale going on and other interesting booths to visit. Our summer plant sale will include summer crop veggie starts like: beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, flowers, gourds, herbs, kale, okra, peppers, perennial vegetables, squash, and tomatoes. Our friends from Wanderlust Nursery will also be there selling interesting edible landscape plants. For tickets to the tour click here (link coming soon), the tour is $20 for advanced tickets and $25 for the day of. If you just want to visit us, swing by and join the fun.
Free Class: Drip Irrigation 101
Drip Irrigation for Home Gardeners
Learn how easy it is to water your garden with water-efficient drip irrigation! Even though our Pacific Northwest maritime climate is known for its rain, our summers are not. We still need to water our crops, thirsty ornamentals, and container gardens. Be smart with your resources and learn how to maximize the water you use in your landscape. Instructor Chris Hoffer from Seattle Tilth Alliance will take us through how to get started. The link to register will appear here in late May.
Free Class: Native Plants, Combining Beauty with Water Conservation
Native Plants: Combining Beauty with Water Conservation
Enjoy beauty sustainably with Northwest natives. Naturally suited to our wet winter/dry summer climate, discover these low-maintenance, water-saving wonders. Peggy Campbell shares sun-loving and shad-preferring favorites, how to match them to your garden spots, and tips for fuss-free gardening. We’ll be seeing examples of the plants in the Shark Garden Native Plant Garden along the way. The link to register will appear here in late May.
Free Class: Beekeeiping 101
Curious if beekeeping is right for you? What all is involved? Come and find out with the Shark Garden beekeepers Gabby and Devon of Above & Below Bee & Garden Services. They’ll go over all the considerations, costs, gear, and time requirements to get started. The link to register will appear here at the end of May.
Stick around after this class for our Bug BioBlitz event (1-4 PM) when we’ll be learning about and photographing native pollinators as well!
Bug Bio-Blast!
This is our tentative date for our Bug Bio-Blast event. During this event, we will be trying to document as many insect species as possible in the garden. We will start with a little talk and training to explain how to photograph and upload photos to iNaturalist for our location. Experts will be on hand to also help identify cool bugs we find. We are partnering with the Washington Native Bee Association and other local bug enthusiasts for this family friendly event. No registration required. Just bring a smart phone along so you can install the iNaturalist app. Please come for the intro training session at the beginning to get started. Join us for some citizen science!
Washington Bonsai Swap Meet
We are hosting the first annual Washington Bonsai Swap Meet in the garden! It is free to the public, though vendors will be encouraged to make a donation to the garden for hosting. It’ll be BUY, SELL, & TRADE at this event. If you are interesting in reserving a space to sell or trade, please contact Ben at benbseattle@yahool.com, space is limited. Join us to check out the bonsai hobby in this family friendly event.
Free Class: Winter Pruning Fruit Trees
Learn how to improve your fruit harvest through pruning! We’re excited to have expert Ingela Wanerstrand join us to teach us how. Ingela works with Edmonds College Horticulture Program and Plant Amnesty as well as her own company. We’ll be looking at apples, pears, figs, and more in the Shark Garden orchard. Space is limited to 25, so register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-winter-pruning-fruit-trees-tickets-1271760703499?aff=oddtdtcreator
Free Class: Intro to Berry & Vine Pruning
Did you know that you can improve your harvest through pruning? Join us to learn how to prune berries and fruiting vines (kiwis and grapes) with Jeff Oliver from City Fruit. We’ll be looking at raspberries and blackberries, blueberries, currants, elderberries, kiwis, and grapes. Jeff will explain basic pruning techniques and demonstrate on the various berries and vines in the Shark Garden. Space is limited, so register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-intro-to-berry-vine-pruning-tickets-1271752488929?aff=oddtdtcreator

Shark Garden Holiday Sale Fundraiser
We're having a holiday fundraiser sale! We're going to set up tents right in the parking lot for easy access too! Come stock up on holiday gifts and goodies from the garden and our talented volunteers! This sale will have jams, jellies, pickles, sauces, salsas, herb salts, gin kits, herbal skin care, and jewelry. All proceeds go to support garden programs and projects next season! Join us! There's lots of free parking in the school lot. The address is 614 SW 120th St. Burien, WA. or search for the Shark Garden.
Volunteers will be needed to help with this event for set up, helping folks shop, and take down. Volunteers get to shop early before the sale starts!
Volunteer Work Party
Join us for our weekly Wednesday volunteer party. We’re working on getting the food bank garden ready for winter, doing some harvesting, and planting cover crops. Get some fresh air away from politics! As we go into winter the Wednesday volunteer sessions will depend on the weather.

Election Day Volunteer Party
Join us for a couple hours to get away from the election politics! We’re going to be working on some fall clean up in the food bank gardens, processing tomatoes, planting cover crops, and not talking about politics! Come get some fresh air and join community. :) If you’d like some green tomatoes, bring a container to take some home! We’re going to be getting a donation of about 50 pounds of them around 11 am!
Holiday Pop Up Sale (Fundraiser)
IF the weather cooperates, we’re going to have a little holiday sale with more jams, jellies, herbs, and jewelry etc. after our mushrooms class on this Saturday. We’ll watch the weather and hope for the best, so stay tuned! Volunteers may be needed to help. It’s a great opportunity to pick up some holiday gifts and support the garden! :)

Free Class: Farming & Foraging Mushrooms with Jake Harris
Jake Harris from Stone Soup Gardens will be back to talk about fall mushroom foraging and growing your own mushrooms at home with a variety of methods. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-farming-foraging-mushrooms-tickets-1035393278167?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Perma-what? Permaculture Basics with Jessi Bloom
Garden expert Jessi Bloom will give us an introduction to Permaculture and explain how you can use its principals in your own garden. This class will be an introduction to the principles of Permaculture, a philosophy that combines perennial food crops with design systems that benefit both people and the environment.
Jessi Bloom is a best-selling author, award-winning ecological landscape designer, and speaker. She is the owner of N.W. Bloom EcoLogical Services, based near Seattle, which is known as an innovator and leader in the field of Permaculture, sustainable landscape design, construction and land management.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-perma-what-designing-your-own-permaculture-paradise-tickets-1024308031897?aff=oddtdtcreator

Apple Cider Pressing!
Join us for some family fun pressing apple cider from our orchard. We’ll pick the apples, sort them and wash them for the food bank, and then make cider with the ones that aren’t quite perfect. We have a new hand crank cider press that folks can take turns on. You can also bring apples from home to press and containers to take some cider home in. Join us!

Volunteer Work Party!
Join other volunteers from the Time Bank to work in the garden. There will be weeding and mulching to do, most likely in the Fig Forest and Berry Patch areas. Grace Still will be leading this party, so sign in with her when you arrive. 😊

Free Class: Fermentation 101
Curious about fermented foods? In one of our most popular classes, Chef David Glass will teach us some fermenting basics in this cooking demonstration class. We’ll look at a basic sauerkraut, a salsa, and some fermented veggies. We’ll get to taste a variety of ferments as well. Chef Glass is currently one of the chefs for the Seattle Sounders. He previously worked at our restaurant partner Eden Hill Restaurant and a variety of other amazing fine dining restaurants. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-fermentation-101-with-chef-david-glass-tickets-1004857845867

Free Class: Winterizing Garden Chores to Make Your Spring Easier
Learn how to winterize your garden this fall, so that your spring garden is easier to deal with. Sustainable gardening expert Ladd Smith will teach us tips and tricks on how to prepare for winter. Ladd is one of the owners of In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes in Kent, a leader in eco-friendly garden design. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-winterizing-your-garden-with-ladd-smith-tickets-1004856572057

Free Class: Herbal Teas 101
Learn how to make some healing herbal teas from your garden. Nicole Telkes from Bastyr University will be teaching us this class. Nicole runs the garden at the university for their herbal medicine programs. Participants will have a chance to bring some tea home with them. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-medicinal-herbal-teas-with-nicole-telkes-tickets-1004854706477

Fall Open House and Bake Sale Fundraiser
Our annual fundraiser bake sale and open house. Join us for gourmet goodies from the garden, from jams and jellies from our vast berry collection to herb salts and baked goods. Help support our programs and get some early holiday shopping in!
Volunteers are need to make things for the sale, help set up and take down, and help folks shop. Contact us to help out!

Free Class: Canning 101
Canning 101 with certified expert Floy Ziegler: Learn the basics of water bath canning and the safety information you need to know to do it right. Check out the gear you'll need, some good safety rules, and see how to get started. Floy will explain what you need to know to help preserve your harvest for your family. Floy is WSU certified in food safety and canning and is a regular volunteer with the county 4-H team. She'll talk to us about water bath canning, pressure canning and other food preservation methods. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-canning-101-tickets-978736917467?aff=oddtdtcreator

Volunteer Work Party: Fall Sale Prep!
In this volunteer work party, we’ll be starting to get the garden and products ready for our Sept. 7th Fall Open House & Fundraiser Bake Sale. This will likely include some weeding and tidying up, but also making some of the herb salts, teas, and signage for the sale. We may also be putting labels on jam jars etc. Join us!

Free Class: Make Your Own Sauces with Chef David Glass
Chef David Glass returns to teach us how to make some of our own sauces from the garden… a marinara, a pesto sauce, and aioli. He’ll be demonstrating the recipes along with pasta, and we get to taste them. Chef Glass is currently one of the chefs for the Seattle Sounders. He previously worked at our restaurant partner Eden Hill and a variety of other excellent fine dining places. Register here: : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-diy-pasta-sauce-with-chef-david-glass-tickets-991252943237?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Avoiding Food Waste: Tips & Tricks
: Did you know that 40% of all food in the US is wasted, 133 billion pounds, worth 180 billion annually. Globally that number skyrockets to 1.3 billion tons. Learn to eat more of the food you've got, find more uses for the waste we have, and turn more resources into value that you might have realized was possible with instructor Adam New-Waterson. This class will cover properly handling food, eating more of the plant, prepping & freezing, dehydrating things before they spoil, making a stock bag, saving your fats to make soap, and even making toothpaste. Save money, food, and the environment! Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-tips-tricks-to-avoid-food-waste-tickets-978728813227?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Asian Vegetables 101
Curious about the Asian vegetables that you see in the grocery, but not sure what they are or how to use them? In this class we’ll learn about a bunch of them with our instructors Dao and Alex. Their expertise comes from Vietnamese and Chinese/Taiwanese cultural backgrounds, so they can give us their perspective on some of these interesting crops. There are many regions and cultures in Asia, so we’ll focus on their knowledge and experiences. We’ll be tasting some of the veggies and try a recipe made with them. Gain some confidence in shopping for some of these tasty veggies and maybe grow some of them yourself! Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-intro-to-asian-vegetables-tickets-978725543447

Free Class: Make Your Own Garden Skin Products
Learn how to make your own organic skin products with garden herbs! Our guest instructor is Adam New Waterson, a member of our Education Committee, Master Gardener, and all around renaissance man. Adam will show us how to infuse oils with garden herbs. We'll then describe how to use those oils in a variety of products before making an "everything" balm together. Everyone who attends will take home their own balm that they can customize with dried herbs grown onsite at Shark Garden. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-make-your-own-herbal-skincare-products-tickets-978697860647?aff=oddtdtcreator

Burien Solar Punk Festival
The garden is the host site for the Burien Solar Punk Festival, an event put on by Key Tech Labs. For more information about this event please visit their website here: https://www.theburiensolarpunkfestival.org/ There will be vendors from eco-friendly local businesses, a mini jobs fair, food, music and an outdoor movie starting at 8pm. The movie is Space Sweepers, a Korean space western that is about PG-13ish (?) with adult language and some cyborg gun violence. The Shark Garden will have a table set up from 12 - 4pm in the garden to sell items to fund raise for the garden.

Fee Class: Attracting Bees, Butterflies, & Birds to Your Garden with Ladd Smith
Learn how to make your yard pollinator and wildlife friendly with Ladd Smith. Ladd runs a local sustainable landscaping business: In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes, based in Kent. In Harmony was one of the first businesses in the Puget Sound to focus on eco-friendly garden designs and sustainable practices. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-attracting-bees-butterflies-birds-to-your-garden-tickets-952820500767?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: DIY Vietnamese Fresh Rolls
Learn how to make your own Vietnamese fresh rolls at home with your fresh garden veggies and herbs! Tam Nguyen from the White Center CDA will be our instructor and you’ll get to taste your work as we learn about Vietnamese ingredients and techniques. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-diy-vietnamese-fresh-rolls-tickets-952808765667?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Make Your Own Mayo, Dressings, & Marinades
Make Your Own Mayo, Dressings, & Marinades with Chef Alyssa Lisle. Join us for a cooking demonstration class with Chef Alyssa Lisle. She'll be showing us how to make our own salad dressings, marinades, and mayo with some focus on ingredients you can also grow yourself. Learn the perfect ratios for a house made tomato vinaigrette, build a green goddess emulsified dressing, make a delicious Italian marinade for your meats and veggies. Also see how easy it is to make your own mayo. We'll be watching and tasting during this class. Check out the event page to learn more about Alyssa’s amazing career and register here:

Free Class: Making Sun Prints with Plants
In this family friendly class, we’ll be making sun prints with plants. These sun prints use a special cyanotype coated paper to capture the shapes of the plants in white on the blue background of the paper. The sun activates the paper. Each family will be able to take home some of their creations too! Our instructor is Adam New-Waterson a member of our Education Committee, Master Gardener, and all around renaissance man. We’ll have supplies for 25 people in this class, so please register your kids too or let us know how many are coming. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-making-sun-prints-tickets-951750480307?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Gardening with Native Plants
Join us to learn about using native plants in your garden. Madeline Cooper from King Conservation District will be coming to teach all about the benefits of using native plants in your landscape, from saving water to attracting wildlife.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-gardening-with-native-plants-tickets-951746528487?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Shade Gardening with Marianne Binetti
Got shade? Our special guest Marianne Binetti will teach us about how to still create a great garden in the shade. Marianne writes a syndicated gardening column that runs in over a dozen newspapers each week including the The Tacoma News Tribune (Sundays) and The Daily Olympian (Saturdays). She has also written or co-written 10 gardening books including "Easy Answers for Great Gardens" and her latest book "Edible Gardening for Washington and Oregon" She lectures and gives seminars on a variety of topics, has appeared on HGTV and hosts radio and TV programs. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-shade-gardening-with-marianne-binetti-tickets-944565921097?aff=oddtdtcreator

DIY Mexican Salsas
Join us to learn three salsas from Northern Mexico! Our instructor is Elsa Benavides and her family’s business was open for 30 years in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico making salsas, agua frescas, carne asada, and more! She’s going to show us how to make Salsa Verde with pico de gallo en avocado, Salsa tatemada en Molcajete, and Salsa Macha. We’ll be watching and tasting. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-mexican-salsas-101-tickets-933989526817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Free Class: Do’s and Don’ts of Container Gardens with Marianne Binetti
Special Guest Speaker Marianne Binetti joins us to teach Dos and Don’ts of Container Gardening. Marianne writes a syndicated gardening column that runs in over a dozen newspapers each week including the The Tacoma News Tribune (Sundays) and The Daily Olympian (Saturdays). She has also written or co-written 10 gardening books including "Easy Answers for Great Gardens" and her latest book "Edible Gardening for Washington and Oregon" She lectures and gives seminars on a variety of topics, has appeared on HGTV and hosts radio and TV programs.

Free Class: Beekeeping 101
Curious if beekeeping is right for you? Get an introduction to what is involved with our friendly local beekeepers Gabby & Devin of Above and Below Bee & Garden Services. They’ll cover bee basics, gear, and resources that you might need. No bees will be present during the class. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-class-intro-to-beekeeping-tickets-933984341307?aff=oddtdtcreator